Annual Report 2023

2023 NCSC Annual Report
An excerpt from the message from the president and chair of the board of directors

Reimagining requires creating a culture of innovation, that not only looks outward towards improving justice systems but also inward and asks key questions: “What can we do better? How can we lead more effectively?” Over the last two years, we at NCSC have reimagined ourselves to better serve courts, provide vital leadership, and enhance public trust in our system of justice.

Leaders from across the organization took the time to reflect and analyze how we work. The result of this process has renewed a focus on cross-functional collaboration, helping us think more strategically and creatively. Our new vision statement also captures our daily purpose: Together, we advance just, free, and safe communities.

Our Annual Report 2023 provides numerous examples of how reimagining is underway in key areas of NCSC’s work, including a dynamic access to justice portfolio, an expanded focus on leadership training, and developing new messages and strategies to support public trust and confidence.

Past Annual Reports

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