2013 G.Thomas Munsterman Award for Jury Innovation

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Michael Garrahan

The National Center for State Courts has selected Michael Garrahan, Plans and Programs Specialist for the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts, as the recipient of the 2013 G. Thomas Munsterman Award for Jury Innovation. The Munsterman Award recognizes states, local courts, organizations or individuals that have made significant improvements or innovations in jury procedures, operations and practices.

Garrahan played a critical role in redeveloping New Jersey’s jury system for almost 20 years.

In the early 1990s, Garrahan worked with the Law Revision Commission to broaden the jury pool and to make the juror selection process fairer. He worked with IT professionals to execute a new statewide Jury Automated System, or JAS.

Garrahan recently helped upgrade JAS to introduce contemporary telecommunications technologies in order to enhance communication between the New Jersey trial courts and jurors.

Additionally, Garrahan has worked with New Jersey’s Supreme Court Committee on Jury Selection in Civil and Criminal Trials to draft court rules introducing important innovations to improve juror comprehension, performance and satisfaction. He also developed stateside jury management standards and best practices and continues to advise local jury managers on legal issues as they arise.

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