

Language Access Coordinator Contact
Administrative Office of the Courts
Idaho Supreme Court
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0101

Code of Ethics or Rules of Professional Conduct

Language Access Plan: Under Development

Interpreter Statutes and Rules: Title 9-205 and Rule 52

Coordination/Supervision of Interpreters: Coordination for services is done at the district or county level.

Cost of Interpreter Services (including fees to freelance and salaries of staff interpreters: $500,000 - $1 Million

Budget for Language Access Program (not including direct interpreter services): $0 - $50,000

Funding for Language Access Program: A combination of the Court's general operating budget (some of which originated from a legislative appropriation) and registration fees.

Compensation Range for Salaried Interpreters (spoken language): Unknown

Compensation Range for Salaried Interpreters (sign language): There are no salary positions for Sign Language Interpreters in the state.

Compensation Range for Freelance Interpreters (certified spoken language): $27.50 - $50.00

Compensation Range for Freelance Interpreters (certified sign language): $45.00 - $75.00

Difference in Pay between Spanish and LOTS Interpreters: Amount varies depending on specific language.

Minimum Certification Requirements: Orientation Workshop, NCSC 135-Q Multiple Choice Exam at 80%, Criminal or Background Check, Continuing Education Courses, Pass NCSC Oral Examination at 70%, Annual Fee

Dates and Locations of Testing and Training