Human resources

A well-defined program of human resource management is extremely important in today's work environment. The CCS staff has experience in developing, modifying, and improving the following systems:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance

  • Attitude Surveys

  • Audits of Personnel Functions

  • Benefits Analysis

  • Court Interpreter Testing and Training Reviews

  • Court Reporting Management

  • Desk and Field Audits

  • Executive Recruitment

  • Human Resource Organization and Management

  • Job Analysis

  • Job Descriptions

  • Performance Appraisal Systems

  • Performance Based Pay Plans

  • Personnel Rules Analysis

  • Point Factor Job Evaluations

  • Policy and Procedures Manuals

  • Position Classifications

  • Records Systems

  • Salary Studies

  • Staffing Studies

  • Wage and Salary Structures

Past projects > 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


Operational Review of the Circuit Court of Cook County’s Pretrial Services Unit of the Adult Probation Department for the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, 2014

Providing Mentorship for the Chief Information Officer of the Louisiana Supreme Court, 2014

Judicial Leadership Organizational Assessment for the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts, 2014

Position Classification and Compensation Study for the Court Business Services and Administrative Services Divisions of the Missouri Office of State Courts Administrator, 2014

Classification and Job Evaluation Study for the Nebraska Administrative Office of the Courts and Nebraska Administrative Office of Probation, 2014

Mentorship of Information Technology Director for the Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Metro Court, 2014

Interim Chief Information Officer Assistance for the Vermont Judiciary, 2014


Study on Transfer of Courtroom Clerks from Office of the Clerk to the Court for the Marion, Indiana, Superior Court, 2013

Compensation Review for the Information Technology Positions for the Minnesota Judicial Branch, 2013

Job Classification and Compensation Study for the Information Technology Positions for the Missouri Office of State Court Administration, 2013

Staff Workload Assessment and Personnel/Procurement Policies and Procedures Refinement for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 2013


Assistance to the Louisiana Supreme Court in Chief Information Officer Selection, 2012

Interim Chief Information Officer Assistance for the Maine Administrative Office of the Courts, 2012

Probate Judges’ Salary Review for the Vermont Administrative Office of the Courts, 2012


Assistance with Candidate Search for the Atlanta, Georgia Municipal Court, 2011

Assistance with Court Unification in Clark County, Indiana, 2011

Develop a Classification and Compensation Plan for the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands, 2011


Assistance in Hiring a New Presiding Judge for the City of Littleton, Colorado Municipal Court, 2010

Assistance with Chief Information Officer Selection and Interim Chief Information Officer for the Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts, 2010

Compensation Study for the Justices of the Peace for Washoe County, Nevada, 2010

Review of Human Resources for the South Dakota Unified Judicial System, 2010 


Assistance with Court Administrator Search for the Reno, Nevada Justice Court, 2009


Assistance with the Selection of the MIS Director for the New Hampshire Administrative Office of the Courts, 2008

Audit of Lakewood, Colorado Municipal Court, 2008

Conduct Surveys of Court Customers and Court Employees in the Superior Courts of Colusa, Nevada, Tehama, and Yuba Counties, California, 2008

Job Classification and Compensation Study for the Territory of Guam, 2008

Review and Assessment of Salary Compensation for Justices of the Peace in the Reno, Nevada Justice Court, 2008

Review of the Governance Structure and Assist with Recruitment of New Court Administrator for the 22nd Circuit Court in McHenry County, Illinois, 2008


Development of a Personnel Policy Manual for the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, 2007


Classification Review of Executive Positions for the Minnesota Administrative Office of the Courts, 2006

Court Classification and Compensation Study for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit of Florida, 2006

Job Classification and Pay Plan for the Territorial Court of the Virgin Islands, 2006

Performance Appraisal for the Clerk’s Office, Arkansas Supreme Court, 2006

Review and Assessment of Salary Compensation for Justices of the Peace for the Reno, Nevada Justice of the Peace Court, 2006

Salary Comparison of Nebraska Judicial Branch Job Classifications (Technical Assistance), 2006

Wage Survey and Compensation Review, Champaign County Municipal Court, Urbana, Ohio, 2006


ISS Staffing Analysis and Recommendations for the Florida Office of State Court Administrator, 2005

Judiciary of Guam, Review of Management Practices, Judicial Workload, Caseflow and Personnel Efficiencies, 2005

Puerto Rico Judicial System, Study of Unionization of Court Employees, 2005

Second Judicial District, Washoe County, Nevada, Job Classification and Pay Review for Information Technology Positions, 2005 


Arizona Adult/Juvenile Probation and Detention Personnel Study, 2004

Hamilton County, Ohio, Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court, Pay Plan for Non-Judicial Employees, 2004

Hawaii Administrative Office of the Courts, Performance Management System for Management Employees of the Hawaii Judiciary, 2004

Louisiana 24th Judicial District, Recruitment of a Judicial Administrator, 2004

Reno Justice Court, Nevada, Judicial Salary and Fringe Benefits Review, 2004

Tippecanoe County, Indiana, Circuit and Superior Courts, Court Administrator Job Duties (Technical Assistance), 2004

Town of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Performance Audit, 2004