
State Principles Summaries 

Please follow the links below for summaries of judiciary principles by demonstrative state.




New Hampshire

New Mexico



State Judiciary Principles

Under Article 3 of the Kansas Constitution, the people created the judiciary as an independent, co-equal branch of our state government. The Constitution grants the Kansas Supreme Court general administrative authority over all courts in the state.

The Kansas Supreme Court shall direct the provision of open, affordable, and understandable court services appropriate to the characteristics of each case, ensuring equitable access to justice and timely disposition of disputes.

In the exercise of its constitutionally delegated general administrative authority, the Supreme Court shall:

    • Provide for an organizational structure for state judicial districts and their component district courts and for state appellate courts that will maximize equitable and timely access to justice for all Kansas citizens and efficiently allocate available resources.
    •  Employ adequate and appropriate nonjudicial staff to assist judges in the efficient and
    • effective performance of their duties.
    •  Formulate policy for current and future direction of all state courts and manage the activities of judicial and nonjudicial employees in their execution of the formulated policy.
    • As necessary, advocate for statutory and regulatory changes that will facilitate pursuit of the formulated policy.

    In further exercise of its constitutionally delegated general administrative authority, the Supreme Court shall marshal and manage the financial resources of the judiciary. In particular, the Supreme Court shall:

    •  Formulate annual State General Fund budgets, submit such budgets to the Legislature, and advocate before the Legislature and with the Governor for adequate State General Fund resources.
    • Account for State General Fund resources.
    • Develop and account for resources other than the State General Fund, including grants, fees, and county contributions.

    State Principles Summaries 

    Please follow the links below for summaries of judiciary principles by demonstrative state.




    New Hampshire

    New Mexico

