Developing Interpreter Resources and Credentialing Program

Tuesday, October 2, 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Qualified interpreters are essential to provide meaningful and accurate language access services.  This workshop will focus on program administration and management issues, including recruiting, training, and certifying court interpreters, particularly related to languages of lesser diffusion.  The speakers will discuss the importance of identifying qualified resources for court interpreting services.  Additionally, the presenters will discuss state experiences with placing interpreters in levels or tiers based on test results and the advantages to this categorization. 


Moderator: Mr. David K. Boyd, State Court Administrator, Iowa Judicial Branch

  • Ms. Laura Dolgin, Court Improvement and Innovation Programs Manager for the Office of the Court Administrator in the State of Vermont
  • Hon. Travis L Francis, Assignment Judge for the New Jersey Judiciary
  • Ms. Debi S. Tulang-De Silva, Program Director for the Office of Equality and Access to Courts for the  Hawaii State Judiciary



Working with Interpreters in Vermont (PowerPoint)

Providing Language Access in Hawai‘i State Courts (PowerPoint) 

Linguistic Diversity in New Jersey (PowerPoint)