2018 Sixth Annual Conference Council of Language Access Coordinators

2018 Sixth Annual Conference
Council of Language Access Coordinators


Over 80 participants from across the country attended the 2018 Council of Language Access Coordinators (CLAC) Conference, held May 6-9 at the Omni Austin Hotel Downtown in Austin, Texas.

Attendees included languages access program managers and court professionals dedicated to the subject of language access.  David Slayton, Administrative Director of the Texas Office of Court Administration, gave welcoming remarks. Mary McQueen, President of the National Center for State Courts, also provided welcoming remarks and Hon. Patricia Griffin was honored and presented with an appreciation award in recognition of her services in advancing language access.  Jacquie Ring was recognized for 5 years of service to the National Center for State Courts.  Judge Lora Livingston, Local Administrative Judge for the Travis County Courts, provided a keynote speech on the importance and criticality of quality language access in the state courts.  

The theme of the conference, “Effective Communication is Key”, was selected to emphasize the vital importance of providing tools which allow Limited English Proficient court users to access court services. Some of the numerous topics presented at the conference included:  


  • Development of a Collaborative Citywide Language Access Plan
  • Language Access Tools and Resources for Self-Represented Litigants
  • Video Remote Interpreting
  • Complaint and Disciplinary Procedures
  • Development and Use of the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI) for ASL Interpreter Credentialing


  • Collaborative Approaches to Working with Justice Partners
  • Storming, Forming, Norming, and Performing: Lessons Learned by Los Angeles Superior Court
  • State Recruitment Efforts Involving Community-Based Organizations and Faith-Based Organizations
  • Court Interpreter Candidate Training


In addition to the subjects listed above, this year’s conference again offered interactive Express Lessons on a number of topics of interest to CLAC members, with an additional opportunity for follow-up with lessons through a debrief Q&A session.  Roundtable express lessons included: Centralized Scheduling and Invoicing Systems; Designing and Implementing a Mock Proceeding; The Where, When, and How of Using Bilingual Staff; Going to Computer-Based Administration for the Written Exam; Effective Communication with Local Court Interpreter Coordinators and Staff; and Reimbursing Courts for Interpreting Expenses.

The Conference was hosted by the National Center for State Courts and the Texas Judicial Branch.