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Criminal justice

Courts and Jails

As a strategic ally to the Safety and Justice Challenge, NCSC works with state court leaders and national judicial organizations to build awareness of this initiative and provide courts with resources and strategies they can use to improve effective use of jails and promote the need for jail reform.

Pretrial Justice Center for Courts

The Pretrial Justice Center for Courts (PJCC) promotes the use of legal and evidence-based pretrial practices for courts across the country. PJCC provides information and tools, offers education and technical assistance, and facilitates cross-state learning and collaboration.


The Improving Probation Success: Reengagement Strategies in Pima County, Arizona brief describes strategies implemented to reduce probation revocations related to absconding and drug testing as part of the Reducing Revocations Challenge, a national effort to explore the drivers of unsuccessful exits from probation and to identify new solutions to bolster success.

View NCSC's past work in criminal justice >