
State Principles Summaries 

Please follow the links below for summaries of judiciary principles by demonstrative state.




New Hampshire

New Mexico



Reengineering must be based on a set of principles that guide the work of the court.

These provide the "lens" to evaluate options and provide guidance in making difficult budget decisions

Principles of Judicial Administration  

  • Case Administration. How should courts handle their cases from filing to disposition?
  • Governance. What governance structures are needed to secure adequate funding and redesign court processes to be most efficient?
  • Essential Functions. How should courts determine the essential functions that must be funded and performed to carry out their constitutional mandate?
  • Funding Principles.What should guide decision makers in making court funding decisions?

Case Administration Principles

  • Every case receives individual attention.
  • Individual attention is proportional to need.
  • Decisions and process demonstrates procedural justice.
  • Judicial control is exercised over the legal process.

Governance Principles


  • A well defined governance structure.
  • Commitment to transparency and accountability.
  • Organized to minimize redundancies in court structures, procedures and personnel.

Funding Principles

  • Principle I: The Judicial Branch should make budget requests based solely upon demonstrated need supported by appropriate business justification, including the use of workload assessment models, identification of essential functions and application of appropriate performance measures.
  • Principle VIII: Courts should be funded to provide for technologies comparable to those used in other governmental agencies and private businesses.

State Principles Summaries 

Please follow the links below for summaries of judiciary principles by demonstrative state.




New Hampshire

New Mexico

