State courts interact with state driver licensing agencies (SDLAs) in a variety of ways. The under-reporting of convictions and dispositions is common, and many court convictions are never properly reported to SDLAs due to technological and policy challenges. NCSC works with court and transportation partners in several states to assess the timeliness and accuracy of reporting convictions. NCSC utilizes the High Performance Court Framework to analyze existing business practices and evaluate issues related to culture, performance perspectives, governance, and technology implementation.
The goal of updating a commercial driver’s record within 10 days of conviction can be ambitious. However, when stakeholders collaborate, timely and accurate reporting works. We invite you to contact the NCSC if your organization would like more information.
The Court2SDLA Data Exchange was developed by the National Center for State Courts with the assistance of stakeholders from: SDLA, court and law enforcement representatives from seven states, and; representatives from NDAA, NCJA, AAMVA, and FMCSA. Those interested in the viewing or using the artifacts in the Court2SDLA Service Specification Package may download a zip file containing the artifacts necessary to implement the NIEM compliant XML data exchange, here.