State court strategic plans


January 2022

“Improving Diversity in the Delaware Bench and Bar Strategic Plan Report and Recommendations” examines diversity issues in the Delaware legal community and provides a national model to assist other court systems in addressing jurisdiction-specific diversity challenges. A complementary mini documentary offers additional insights from court leaders and project partners.


December 2020

The Michigan Justice for All Task Force Strategic Plan and Inventory Report summarizes findings from a comprehensive, broad assessment of 15 civil justice system components and establishes a strategic plan to fill gaps and address the identified barriers to access to justice.


Minnesota's Committee for Equality and Justice FY 22-23 Strategic Plan outlines goals to advance efforts to eliminate bias from court operations, promote equal access to the court, and inspire a high level of public trust and confidence in the judicial branch through outreach, education, and civil justice.

New Hampshire

July 2022

The New Hampshire Judicial Branch Steering Committee on Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan features six strategies to ensure the state's court system is open and respectful, fair and free from biases and barriers, and provides services in a culturally appropriate way.

New Jersey

The New Jersey Supreme Court Action Plan for Ensuring Equal Justice outlines key areas that the judiciary has addressed since the court issued a public statement in 2020 condemning racism and committing to "eradicate systemic barriers that stand in the way of justice."


The Washington State Racial Justice Consortium 2022 Action Plan is a results-driven, prioritized collection of strategies intended to move each of its courts toward justice, fairness and equity.