Tiny Chats

What are Tiny Chats?

Tiny Chats are bite-sized annotated videos that touch on specific access to justice topics and court operations.

Our most recent Tiny Chat

Tiny Chat 147: Sheltered: Twenty Years in Housing Court

Sateesh Nori has written an incredibly thoughtful, beautifully written, and important book—called Sheltered: Twenty Years in Housing Court— that details his experiences as a lawyer representing tenants in New York City housing court over a period of twenty years.

The book is equal parts memoir, policy brief, and series of beautifully told stories and is an important contribution to our understanding of and thinking about eviction courts. It examines the legal issues, the human stories underlying these cases, and the complexities that arise within the housing court, and how factors like race, poverty, and immigration status can impact tenant experiences in court

Listen to this Tiny Chat as we grapple with big and important themes of justice, fairness, and equality.

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Most recent Tiny Chats

Tiny Chat 146: Remote Appearance Project, Illinois by the Numbers

Remote and hybrid hearings can provide significant benefits to courts and users, but how do they specifically impact rural communities? A recent Illinois study sheds light on the tangible and quantifiable advantages these hearings can offer to rural courts, legal aid providers, and court users.

Tiny Chat 145: Virtual Amnesty Week

The Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court successfully organized a Virtual Amnesty Week. Join NCSC’s Zach Zarnow Danielle Hirsch to learn all the details about how the event came together, lessons learned, and tips for implementing a similar event in your jurisdiction. Special guests Judge Maria Dominguez and Project Manager Katharine Hernandez share their insights and experiences.

The Tiny Chats Team