Measure One: Access and Fairness Survey

Definition: Ratings of court users on the court's accessibility and its treatment of customers in terms of fairness, equality, and respect. (To measure ratings of attorneys and court staff, see M1 supplement)

Purpose:  This measure has been revised to provide a tool for surveying court users about their court experiences in both in-person and remote proceedings. Comparison of results by court location and venue, type of customer, and type of case can inform and improve court management practices.

How to use M1:

Read Measure One

The PDF explaining measure one can be found embedded below.

Or download CourTools PDFMeasure 1: Access and Fairness for offline viewing.

* Measure 1 focuses on court users.  The CourTools PDFMeasure 1 Supplement provides an attorney and court staff version of the survey.

Download the Qualtrics survey file

A Qualtrics (.qsv) template file is available for download, along with a "getting started" guide.

To use the downloaded file, open and login to the Qualtrics website. The template includes versions in English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Somali, and Nepali, which you can find here.

The survey can be tailored to the court environment, as needed. Be sure to update the survey for each language version that will be administered.

Read "The New CourTools Measure 1: Lessons Learned from pilot tests in the Ohio courts" and watch the accompanying Webinar to learn about the process of updating Measure 1.

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