Case Studies

Fines and Fees Case Studies

Arizona: This Case Study describes Arizona's Ability to Pay Bench Card which gives judges guidance and considerations for making determinations about a person's ability to pay fines and fees.

Delaware: This Case Study describes steps that Delaware has taken to reduce or eliminate criminal fees in a variety of case types, including the creation of the multi-stakeholder Criminal Legal System Imposed Debt Study Group to make recommendations about legislative, state budget, and judicial policies. This case study also looks at other reforms including eliminating driver's license suspension as a result of failure to pay fines or fees and collecting data related to particular fees.

New Jersey: This Case Study describes recent reforms in New Jersey related to fines and fees, including dismissal of old, minor municipal court matters to eliminate outstanding fines, fees, and warrants; reforms related to payment plans and payment alternatives; and eliminated fees for public defender services.

New  Mexico: This Case Study describes recent reforms in New Mexico related to fines and fees in criminal, traffic, and juvenile cases, including eliminating most fees in adult criminal and traffic cases and all fines and fees in juvenile cases, as well as reforms related to ability to pay and alternative sources of judicial funding.

Pretrial Case Studies

Illinois: This case study discusses changes to Illinois pretrial law and court processes.

New Jersey: This case study discusses New Jersey's pretrial system.

New Mexico: This case study highlights changes to the New Mexico Constitution and court rules that reduce reliance on cash bail and guide judicial determinations about pretrial release and conditions, as well as steps New Mexico has taken to collect and share data about pretrial release.

Washington: This Case Study describes a number of reforms related to fines and fees in Washington, including eliminating some mandatory fees, identifying alternative sources of judicial funding, and prohibiting non-restitution fines and fees when an individual is unable to pay.