Michigan District Court Operation Drive

Program description

In 2018, the Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration found that traffic offenses accounted for half of all criminal court cases.  As a result of this finding, the Task Force issued a recommendation to stop suspending and revoking licenses for actions unrelated to safe driving and to reclassify most traffic offenses and some other minor misdemeanors as civil rather than criminal infractions.

Operation Drive was developed by Judge Derek Meinecke of the 44th District Court in Royal Oak Michigan to help individuals regain their driving privilege. Operation Drive provides guidelines to hold individuals accountable, specific guidance to address any underlying issues that led to the suspended license and encouragement to work toward regaining the license. Judge Meinecke works with defendants to unravel the oftentimes complex web of traffic tickets, warrants, court appearances, and fees and fines that can result from even one traffic stop. Once a participant acquires a license, the Court offers a significant reduction in fines and costs and will allow a long-term payment plan, if necessary.

Related outcomes

Since March 2016, Operation Drive has restored more than 1,352 licenses through a three-pronged approach: information, structure and encouragement. The program currently has about 417 active participants.

Additional resources on Operation Drive

For more information, contact Judge Meinecke.

Program overview

Advancing Community Conversations: Operation Drive from State Courts on Vimeo.