Document/Content Management

Within the Case Management System (CMS), Document-Content Management (often referred to as enterprise content management, or ECM) supports the capture and management of documents, data, and other digital content. Document-Content Management reduces paper production and management and storage of paper and improves process efficiency and more effective case management.

Staff can spend less time searching for and moving documents from file room to back office to courtroom. Courts can reduce operating costs for document storage facilities both on premise and off premise for inactive cases. Judges and case managers have instant access to all case files with no worry of lost or in use files.

Further, document routing through workflow (in Document-Content Management or the Workflow-Orchestration component) provides documents and information to court employees as they need it and as events occur or deadlines pass so that they can act proactively and timely.

  1. Capture documents and digital content via scan, upload or integration
  2. Support multiple file formats
  3. Index content
  4. Search data, content (standard, custom)
  5. Display content (support for multiple viewers or multi-function viewer)
  6. Group content ad hoc
  7. Document/content workflow engine
  8. Ability to monitor and report on data, content and activities in the system
  9. Redact content manually or automatically based on rules
  10. Apply OCR to documents
  11. Apply document-markup
  12. Attach notes to content
  13. Covert content to different formats
  14. Ability to share content (not through integration but via email for example)
  15. Document versioning
  16. Ability to purge content and data