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New York: Bill would require judges' financial disclosure statements to be posted online

A review of state legislation affecting the courts

January 27, 2023 -- Since 2006, Gavel to Gavel has tracked state-by-state legislative activity with potential impact on state courts.

Notable legislation includes:

  • Legislation to limit or eliminate judicial disciplinary confidentiality filed in Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia
  • Oregon considers ranked choice voting for judicial races
  • New York bill would require judges' financial disclosure statements to be posted online
  • Bills would require judges to receive training on domestic violence and sexual assault (New Jersey), family violence (Texas), coercive control (Connecticut), and trauma-informed care (Texas)
  • Therapeutic/facility dogs and courts: Oklahoma, Texas, and Washington look to allow or expand the use of dogs in the courtroom
  • Washington bill would create a judicial sentencing database; information would compare each individual judge's sentencing practices to the standard or presumptive sentence range for any and all felony crimes