ICM Licensee Partner Program



CMP Licensee Program Partner TACA
(Texas Association for Court Administration)
 2012 Court Management Program
CCM Graduates
Along with Chief Justice Jefferson and
David Slayton, Administrative Director of the
Office of Court Administration





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What is the ICM Licensee Partner program?

The Institute for Court Management (ICM) makes its certification programs available at reduced rates through a Licensee agreement. As a Licensee Partner, you have your staff qualified and certified to teach ICM courses for you. You also administer the courses locally, making site arrangements and providing course materials from master sets purchased from ICM. Both levels of certification are available: Certified Court Manager (CCM) and Certified Court Executive (CCE). Those who complete the CCE courses through a Licensee program are still eligible for the Fellows program.

Why should we offer ICM courses?

  • ICM is the most trusted, respected provider of continuing education for court professionals;
  • ICM's Court Management Program (CMP) courses educate and develop leaders in court administration for today's judicial branch and for the future;
  • ICM's courses are based on the National Association for Court Management's (NACM) Core®. A participant manual and faculty guide have been developed for every course;
  • A licensing program is the least expensive way to offer ICM courses;
  • ICM's courses are preparation for attaining the status of ICM Fellow, the highest level of ICM certification;
  • Becoming a licensee provides a new service at a time when many associations are looking for additional "deliverables" to provide to their members;
  • The initial investment is the cost of sending your proposed faculty to an ICM national program in Williamsburg, VA. Following a 2.5 day national program, they will participate in a .5 day adult teaching methods program where they will learn to apply the Kolb Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) concepts and perform a practicum demonstrating their capacity and competency with the course materials. Successful completion will result in their becoming ICM certified faculty.
  • A great way for Licensee Partners to bring courses to your local area and certify faculty is to host a Locally Hosted National Program.  ICM will send national faculty and staff to your location, where your participants will enjoy local and national networking.  Faculty candidates may become certified at these courses as well.

What does it cost?

The tuition cost when a Licensee Partner delivers a class is $200 per person, payable to ICM. There is also a one-time $200 Materials Access Fee per course for the master set of course materials, which the Licensee is granted permission to reproduce for each participant. The Licensee must also purchase additional course resources needed for faculty; these vary per course.

Contact ICM National Programs at 800.616.6160 or email: icm@ncsc.org.

    Certified Court Manager, Certified Court Executive & ICM Fellows Certifications

Course Certification Requirements

ICM has a policy that all participants take an active role in the course and demonstrate their engagement as well as their competency with the materials taught. This is demonstrated through participation in class discussions as well as class exercises. ICM also has a strict attendance policy in order for participants to receive ICM certification, and to ensure the investment of ICM Licensee Partners. ICM has developed a set of user-friendly protocols to allow CMP Licensee Partners to apply for certification of those attending ICM Licensee Partner-sponsored ICM courses. The ICM Licensee Partner online site created by ICM must be used to upload the required documents.

Certification is available to participants attending a full 2.5-day, 16-hour ICM course with active participant engagement with exercises and application of concepts. In order for participants to receive ICM certification, the faculty teaching the course must attend a faculty development training program offered by ICM to be certified as ICM Faculty or a faculty development program approved by ICM. To ensure that in the delivery of the courses faculty employ the Kolb learning styles model and Experiential Learning Theory (ELT), class size is limited to 50 participants.

Professional Faculty Requirements

ICM expects its entire faculty to meet certain criteria including: training course participants in the NACM Core® embedded in all course curricula, demonstrating ethical behavior and conformance with procedural processes embraced in the ICM Licensee Partnership agreement, and having subject matter expertise (SME) in the courses that they teach.

Curriculum Requirements

All CCM and CCE courses underwent an initial comprehensive curriculum development and review process. Each course curriculum was developed, reviewed and approved by a minimum of thirty-two court or education experts in a four-stage process: content design and development; content design and development review; judicial educator review to ensure adoption of Kolb Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) methods; state court administrator review to ensure applicability in today’s courts. Course revisions include feedback from participants, faculty, and subject matter experts; review by NACM Past Presidents; and design and content development by ICM staff curriculum developers, instructional designers, and court consultants.

Contact ICM National Programs at 800.616.6160 or email icm@ncsc.org.



CMP Licensee Program Partner TACA
(Texas Association for Court Administration)
 2012 Court Management Program
CCM Graduates
Along with Chief Justice Jefferson and
David Slayton, Administrative Director of the
Office of Court Administration





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