Volume 12 Issue 5

Indicates featured legislation

Jurisdiction: Newly Introduced

Kentucky HB 515 Allows suits against the state to be filed anywhere in state. In House Judiciary Committee.

Kentucky SB 229 (Constitutional Amendment) Forbids the application of foreign law if citizens' rights would be infringed upon. In Senate (no committee).

Missouri HJR 92 (Constitutional Amendment) Provides all federal laws may be subject to review referendum. Provides if voters reject a federal law, Missouri courts are prohibited from enforcement and must transfer any cases involving the law to federal court. In House (no committee).

Missouri HJR 94 (Constitutional Amendment) Provides all federal laws may be subject to review referendum. Provides if voters reject a federal law, Missouri courts are prohibited from enforcement and must transfer any cases involving the law to federal court. In House (no committee).

Jurisdiction: Floor and Committee Activity


Qualifications and Terms: Newly Introduced

Kentucky HB 472 (Constitutional Amendment) Extends the term of district judges from four years to six years and increasing the requirement of being a licensed attorney from two years to at least four years to serve as a district judge. In House Elections Committee.

Louisiana HB 203 (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates mandatory retirement for judges. Provides judges over 70 to be reviewed by judicial disciplinary committee. Prefiled.

Louisiana HB 215 Provides judges over 70 to be reviewed by judicial disciplinary committee. Prefiled.

Maryland HB 1779 (Constitutional Amendment) Increases mandatory retirement age for newly elected judges from 70 to 73. Provides sitting judges may only receive 3 extra years with permission of governor. In House Rules Committee.

Minnesota SF 2789 Increases mandatory judicial retirement age from 70 to 80. In Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.

Qualifications and Terms: Floor and Committee Activity


Rule Making Authority: Newly Introduced


Rule Making Authority: Floor and Committee Activity


Salary and Budget: Newly Introduced

Indiana SB 104 Establishes the veterans' court fund. In Senate Judiciary Committee.

Michigan HB 5652 Adjusts determination of actuarial equivalent retirement allowance for judges. In House Financial Liability Reform Committee.

Minnesota SF 2721 Makes Court technology fund permanent. In Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.

Missouri SB 1021 Provides that a person who filed as a candidate in 2010 to become a judge, was eligible to receive an annuity under the MOSERS Year 2000 Plan as a member of the General Assembly or as a statewide elected official, and whose term as a judge began in 2011 is exempt from the provisions of the Judicial Retirement Plan 2011. In Senate (no committee).

Salary and Budget: Floor and Committee Activity

Maryland HJR 3 Sets judicial salaries. Approved with amendments by full House 2/19/18.

New Jersey SB 1229 Increases annual salary of Governor's cabinet officers, judges, county prosecutors, and certain other public employees. Amended by full Senate 2/26/18.

West Virginia SB 632 Allows retired judicial officers recalled to service to avoid limit on temporary payments under certain circumstances. Approved by full Senate 2/28/18.

West Virginia SJR 3 (Constitutional Amendment) Grants legislature power to set appropriations for judiciary (currently, constitution prohibits legislature from diminishing judiciary's budget request). Provides legislature may not make any law that conditions the increase or decrease of an item relating to the judiciary upon a particular ruling, order, or decision of a court of this state. Approved by House Finance Committee with House Amendment 2/27/18.

Selection: Newly Introduced

Colorado HCR 1001 (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates requirement that clerks write a separate retention question for each justice or judge standing for retention. Allows county clerks to write a single ballot question for each level of courts, shortening and simplifying the ballot. In House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee.

Rhode Island HB 7908 Requires the judicial nominating commission to consider a nominee's unique background and field of practice rather than emphasizing trial and courtroom experience in selecting new members of the judiciary. In House Judiciary Committee.

Selection: Floor and Committee Activity

Virginia HB 1055 AS AMENDED: Provides that the report of a judge's judicial performance evaluation, which is transmitted to the General Assembly, shall include the number of cases in which such judge did not file a written explanation of any departure from the sentencing guidelines as required by law. Approved by full Senate 2/23/18. House does not concur with Senate amendment.

Structure Changes: Newly Introduced

Missouri HB 2562 Combines or renames various statutes related to drug courts, DWI courts, etc. into treatment courts. In House Judiciary Committee.

Structure Changes: Floor and Committee Activity

Georgia HR 993 (Constitutional Amendment) Creates Business Court. Provides judges to be appointed and reappointed by Governor alone. Approved by full House 2/28/18.

Other: Newly Introduced

Connecticut HB 5247 Requires an internal review of the security procedures employed by courthouses. In Joint Judiciary Committee.

Georgia HR 1260 Creates House Study Committee on Juvenile Court Judges. In House Juvenile Justice Committee

Indiana SB 238 Changes all references to the division of state court administration and the judicial center to the office of judicial administration. Approved by full House 2/28/18. To Senate to concur with House amendments.

Kentucky HB 522 Uses gender neutral language for clerk of the Supreme Court. In House Judiciary Committee.

Kentucky HB 523 Uses gender neutral language for executive head of the Court of Justice. In House Judiciary Committee.

New Jersey SB 1986 Grants county governing body final authority to determine expenditures for courtroom facilities. In Senate Judiciary Committee.

Utah HB 451 Provides that a court commissioner is exempt from certain firearm laws if the commissioner completes the required training. In House Rules Committee.

Other: Floor and Committee Activity

Alabama HB 68 ORIGINAL: Provides Chief Justice or Presiding Judge may order temporary transfer of Circuit or District judge to reduce congestion, court delay, and backlog. Provides failure to obey transfer order is violation of canons of judicial ethics. AMENDED: Strikes reference to failure to obey transfer order as violation of canons of judicial ethics. Approved as amended by full House 2/22/18.

Colorado HB 1081 Requires the state court administrator to administer a division that is charged with reminding criminal defendants to appear at their scheduled hearings in the county courts and district courts of the state. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/22/18.

Colorado HB 1131 Directs the division of criminal justice (division) within the department of public safety (department), in consultation with the office of the state court administrator, to operate a program that implements telephonic or internet-based networking software to let county courts and district courts conduct judicial procedures with remote participants. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/27/18.

Oklahoma SB 1346 ORIGINAL: Provides court records produced online may not include items that contain a complete personal identification number. AMENDED: Provides date of birth and may only be released under rules developed by Supreme Court. Requires Supreme Court create records portal to that end. Approved by Senate General Government Committee 2/26/18.