2012 G.Thomas Munsterman Award for Jury Innovation

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Michigan Supreme Court

The National Center for State Courts has selected the Michigan Supreme Court as the recipient of the 2012 G. Thomas Munsterman Award for Jury Innovation. The Munsterman Award recognizes states, local courts, organizations or individuals that have made significant improvements or innovations in jury procedures, operations and practices.

The Michigan Supreme Court and the judges who participated in the 2009-2010 Michigan jury reform pilot project collaborated in a two-year effort to test and examine a variety of in-court techniques designed to improve juror comprehension, performance and satisfaction.  

To initiate the project, 12 trial judges agreed to implement various jury trial innovations in their courtrooms, then systematically survey jurors and attorneys for their reactions to the innovations.

At the end of the two-year period, the group of judges reported their collective experience with the innovations and submitted proposed court rule changes. 

Robert Baldwin, Executive Vice President of the NCSC, will present the award to the Michigan Supreme Court on October 9, 2012, as part of the opening of the Court's 2012-2013 term.

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